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The Web Design Experience Through My Eyes

When I began this class i knew right away that it would probably be stressful and time consuming. I was right. Its a good thing that I love what I am doing. I always have wanted to code my own website but I have been so caught up with school the last 3 years that I hadn’t given myself time to. That being said my favorite project so far was project 1, i actually got to put time in to make my website. Granted it was not perfect by any means, but it was my first coding baby and I loved it.

The responsive exercise really threw me for a loop and I figured out quickly what it was like to have that feeling of “seriously?” when it comes to web design. I was held up by a semi-colon. A single semi-colon. That exercise was in all honesty my least favorite, but i know exactly why. It was frustrating not knowing what was wrong. I’m glad i had the experience though because now I know that i will find whatever little thing that may go wrong.

Knowing CSS is so important to making your website look better. We don’t have to be stuck in the age of looking like we have a website from the early 90’s with jarring backgrounds and just silly design. Creating CSS is something that I think is very valuable and will help a lot in the future.

Overall, i’m super happy with how everything is turning out so far and i’m excited to see where this class will take me and teach me. My page had a long way to go, but It’s only a matter of time before I will be able to make a website that I am completely in love with.



  1. Zachary Freeman

    That’s sort of hallmark of coding. All progress can be ground to a halt as a result of a single semicolon. As frustrating as it is timeless.

  2. Brandon Valencia

    Your lay out is for your web page looks awesome. Couldn’t agree more with your intro, I knew this class was gonna be tough, but I’m eager to learn more.

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