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Media Queries

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Introduction to CSS – This article really went over the basics of CSS. It talks about the different types of CSS style sheets and the introduction of CSS2 which specifies style sheets for specific media such as Screen or print.  It goes into detail on how style sheets can be coded in order to fit different screens. With ‘media queries’ in CSS3,  people are able to target specific screen sizes. The article talks about different styles for different screens by adjusting heights and width. It also hits on how certain html coding that you can add to keep your mobile web page version just as useful as a your online web page,  through pixels and code on a style sheet.

.Can Google and Twitter Speed Up the Mobile Web This Article was bit more interesting. Google and Twitter along with other publishing partners such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, on AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages Project. AMP is an open source protocol that takes advantage of pre-existing technologies to speed up the mobile web. On different devices websites are downloaded through the browser as a discreet application, meaning the source code is refreshed each time a someone loads a page. HTML elements and content are sometimes cached in the browser, elements like JavaScript are frequently rendered on each visit. AMP is an attempt too solve this problem and speed up content delivery. It also touches on AMP also working to prioritize content served from a mobile page. This means it’ll put what your looking for in front of you and wont have you sort through the web page to find it.

BBC News Online: Responsive Design in Beta  The article tells about how BBC has a prominent link on its web page to a new beta version of the site, which they are currently in the works of. This beta is tablet and mobile friendly. 40% of  BBC’s traffic to the site comes from mobiles and tablets. This is causing BBC to  move to a responsive design which works equally well across various screen sizes. BBC is trying to give its news consumer the smoothest experience possible when using any sort of Device. The article explains how the beta is designed to be simpler than our existing desktop site or easier to use, and how it is optimized for different screen sizes.

1 Comment

  1. Steven Pekar

    I really enjoyed the second 2 articles. I like that the BBC, like many other companies, is realizing the need for responsive design.

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