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My Hobby


The hobby I intend to create a Bootstrap website for is related to video games and the consoles they are played on. I’ve had an affinity for video games since I was a child at age five receiving my first Nintendo Entertainment System for Christmas. It has been a torrid love affair ever since. I owned all the Nintendo and Sega consoles. From there at 12-years-old I became an avid PC gamer. PC gaming opened all sorts of doors into the realm of first person shooters for me. Using a PC is the best way to play a first person shooter game. I chose this hobby to cover because it is a subject I have a lot of experience with and am passionate about, even though I don’t have the free-time to devote to it anymore. Being a full-time student definitely has cut into my game-playing time substantially. I intend for my five pages to talk about different popular consoles available today and provide some insight into their attributes. The pages I plan on creating and linking to will be about the Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii U and PC. I’ll elaborate on the characteristics of each consoles and possibly some games. It is an evolutionary landscape with each company trying to outdo their competitor with a more powerful consoles that will handle games faster. Having console exclusive titles are also huge drawing points. I have a lot of room for what to talk about within these five pages. I’ll have no shortage of information to choose from.

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